Dig little deeper into the holes in your pockets, to find where are your money going !!!
Keep track of all your monetary transactions. Add the transactions in various categories and view the data in many ways.
Create custom categories for all your transactions - Income category, Expense category or Investments category. For Expense records, Payment Option is another level of categorization to keep track of mode of payment used for the transaction.
Aggregation of your data in various parameters. The Dashboard shows the monthly and yearly aggregated data by current year. Monthly balance sheet set the option to manually adjust the balance. And of course the 'lifetime' details page.
Create reminders of various recurring transactions and never forget about any bill payment or adding the insurence premium. Receive notifications on day(s) before you want.
Create customized PDF and XLS documents of your personal finance transations. Choose transation type, categories, date range before creating the documents.
Do you believe in love at first sight or shall I present the slides again. ;) Click on the Sign Up button to create an account and keep track of your personal finance in an awesome way.