The Beginning
The Finsight is an application to keep track of your personal financial transactions. It's a ledger of all your Credit and Debits.
Because we normally don't keep close eye to our budgets. With the help of such personal finance application, it'd be very much easier to maintain a clean track of the incomes and expenses, which would in turn help in identifying the weak spots and loopholes personal budgets.
Also all the financial data can be visualized with various charts and graphs generated in the application.
Right here, right now.
Just create an account and login into The Finsight and start adding Income & Expense records.
Default categories will be provided for all transaction which can be modified to one's need.
Release Version : v0.1 Feature
- Option to add Expense, Income and Investment transactions.
- Add/Modify/Delete various categories.
- Set monthly Category based Budgets(or Limits).
- Add Reminders on transactions with various recurring options (daily, monthly etc).
- Notifications based on the Reminders.
- View data in various charts and graphs generated on numerous parameters.
- Export data into PDF and/or Excel sheets.
- View data in various customizable filters.
- Manually Adjust Balance Sheet for each month.
- Option to view data aggregated - Monthly, yearly or life time.
- (beta features) Report Issues or Request Features.